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Academics - B.Sc. IT

FYJC/SYJC (IT) : The information technology subject is available in place of one of the optional languages (i.e. Hindi or Marathi).

Objectives :-

  • To acquire the basic knowledge of information technology.
  • To learn the concepts of content creation.
  • To expand the capabilities to access the information using internet.
  • To acquire skills for creation of static/dynamic web applications using multimedia.
  • To develop an ability to use office automation tools.
  • To recognize the areas of information technology applications.
  • To develop an ability to implement IT in education.
  • To understand the impact of e-commerce.
  • To acquire skills of data presentation.

This is an integrated three year degree course divided into six semesters. The admission will be as per the guidelines issued by University of Mumbai. The focus of the programme is IT & Management of IT.

objectives :-

  • To provide basic inputs in various aspects and a broad understanding of IT and its other disciplinary interfaces.
  • To synergies information technology in all its

The programme contents are theory and practical oriented. Students will have to exert more in order to grasp the skills and concepts. Excellent facilities are provided for practicals on computer related subjects through computer centre of the College.

The course is divided into six semesters and there is continuous evaluation process through tests, tutorials and assignments.

Eligibility for admission to B.Sc. IT (0.5051)

  1. A candidate for being eligible for admission to the degree course of Bachelor of Science- Information Technology, shall have passed XII standard examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or it’s equivalent with Mathematic and Statistics as one of the subject and should have secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate for open category and 40% marks in aggregate in case of reserved category candidates.
  2. Candidates who have passed Diploma (Three years after S.C. Xth Std.) in Information Technology / Computer Technology / Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Electrical, Electronics and video Engineering and Allied Branches / Mechanical and Allied Branches / Civil and Allied Branches of are eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of the B.Sc. (I.T.) degree course.

However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.


Candidates with post HSC-Diploma in Information Technology / Computer Technology / Computer Engineering / Computer Science / and Allied branches will be eligible for direct admission to the Second Year of B.Sc. (I.T.).

However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education of any other recognized Government Body. Minimum Marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.

Students passing an examination equivalent to S.Y.J.C. of the Higher Secondary Board Mumbai and Inter-Mediate (Arts/Science/Commerce) of University of Mumbai or from other states & immigrating from other Universities, Boards & seeking admission to the F. Y. of the Three Year Integrated Degree Course will be admitted only on production of a Valid “Provisional eligibility certificate” issued by the University of Mumbai for the current academic year and for the desired course. Such students should submit a migration certificate, statement of marks and passing certificate in original along with true copies within two months, from the date of admission, failing which their admission is liable to be cancelled.

student are asked to see the university of Mumbai website for various courses and eligibility rules.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

F.Y.B.Sc. (IT)S.Y.B.Sc. (IT)T.Y.B.Sc. (IT)


  1. Imperative Programming
  2. Digital Electronics
  3. Operating System
  4. Discrete Mathematics
  5. Communication Skills


  1. Python Programming
  2. Data Structures
  3. Computer Networks
  4. Database Management Systems
  5. Applied Mathematics


  1. Software Project Management
  2. Internet of Things
  3. Advanced Web Programming
  4. Linux System Administration
  5. Enterprise Java


  1. Web Programming
  2. Object Oriented Programming
  3. Microprocessor Architecture
  4. Numerical & Statistical Method
  5. Green Computing


  1. Core Java
  2. Introduction to Embedded System
  3. Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques
  4. Software Engineering
  5. Computer Graphics and Animation


  1. Software Quality Assurance
  2. Security in Computing
  3. Business Intelligence
  4. Principles of Geographic
    Information Systems
  5. Cyber Laws